let us join hands together for the protection of women from being sold.


"Protect Child from being trafficked, Save Nation's Prestige,
Do not Wait for your turn."
- Maiti India

Welcome to 

Maiti INdia

Maiti India is a non-governmental organization established in 2008 to fight trafficking of humans and other forms of exploitation of children and women. It has been conducting various anti-trafficking and welfare-based programs from the community to the national level.

Since its establishment, Maiti  Nepal and other organisations has been collaborating and cooperating strongly with the indian Government, Local NGOs Organisations and Maiti Nepal to facilitate rescue and repatriation from Delhi and some adjoining ities of Indoa, which is one of the most important programmes of Maiti India



Raise awareness through public rallies, discussions meetings, and seminars; distribute various information education and communication materials on trafficking such as posters, stickers, leaflets, bulletins, and others.


Undertake rescue operations with the help of authorities to liberate children and women from the slavery-like condition that includes victims forced into the sex trade, victims of various kind of abuse and violence

Legal Service

Providing legal aid to disadvantaged, abused women, and children through legal counseling, mediation, litigation, and other legal services. Assist survivors of various violence by filing FIR, and investigating or monitoring cases filed in court.


Repatriation is the process of bringing back the traffic survivors to their home country. Under this programme, Maiti India liaison with the national, regional, and international organizations, establishes linkage with NGOs from Nepal and other countries, and repatriates survivors belonging to those countries.

Anti-Human Trafficking

Non-Profit organization raising voices against women and children violence.


Some of our Supporting Organizations